Too Many Things and Not Enough Clock

Today is my Mom's birthday. She is in California visiting my brother or I'd like to think she would be here. She always spoiled me on my birthday and I try to do the same when she is with me. I was her first born so I got all the themed birthday parties and the toughest discipline. Its a double edge sword, being the first.
If she were here we'd do something fun, memorable and appropriate for her 67 years of raising kids, grandkids, etc.
Since she isn't here, the time has come to conquer and divide the many tasks at hand on the home front. I've just returned from two days on a journey to NYC and back to see the show at Stux and the rest of the best in Chelsea. It was exhausting but worthwhile. We stayed at the Leo House in Chelsea which streamlined the experience a bit. I missed staying with Carole in Inwood but the time saved made a difference when the city heat initiated my slow but consistent meltdown. Carole came down on the train and we had breakfast at the Empire. It was a great way to start the day.
NOW is the time to begin the countdown for the Firehouse/Yellowhouse production of LULUPALOOZA. Maybe aftwerwards I'll understand everyone's facination with Louise Brooks. Yes, she had a great haircut and sounds like a real Lulu but...that is all I know. I'll leave the rest to the filmophobes and take this time to to prepare for their arrival.
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.....
Must have just missed you. Spent part of Friday afternoon on Spring Street. Only saw the art from the sidewalk. Like you, not enough clock. Glad you had a chance to re-absorb here.
Its a good thing, too.
This summer hasn't had the regenerative qualities that I need to get through the rest of the year. It hasn't been horrible just too much of this and too much of that and not enough silence. That show at Pace is full of silence. If you get a chance its worth a visit.
We will soon meet an internet friend of my husband's. He is coming in from Australia for the Lulupalooza event that I wrote about earlier. They have been communicating for three years now and are both Lulu fanatics. He and my beloved concocted this idea for this film fest and now it is here!
Meeting someone in reverse is always a little unnerving. (is that a word?) I am such a visual person my wiring almost shorts out.
Many years ago I met someone I had been conversing with for 6 months via the telephone (over business). He was so very different than the picture my brain had subconsciously drawn that it sent me reeling. I learned a lot about myself. I had no idea I did that.
It should be an interesting weekend. Now I'll meet the other Lulu lovers, Austrlian, et al.
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