Oh, Ireeeeeennnnnneeeee!

I am usually pretty debilitated when waiting for someone to arrive at my space. Its hard to accomplish much. Maybe its the pressure I innately feel to be a good hostess though I have tried for many years to deconstruct this expectation from my psyche. It hasn't worked.
I am no Martha Stewart but I do appreciate hospitality and hope to give it as well as receive it during the numerous social interactions that define a life. So here I am.
The Australian artist Irene Barberis is staying here tonite since she is flying home tomorrow and had to move out of her atelier prior to our Barcelona adventure. She was expected almost two hours ago. I don't have her flight number but I do know she was flying Easy Jet. I'll look at their flight schedule if she isn't here by 10pm.
I had an epiphany about our work during the last hour of her exhibition here in Paris. Her work is very much about her faith. Mine isn't. My last show was titled "Angels and Infidels." Beleivers and nonbelievers all look the same in my book. I would really love to see her show that's up in San Francisco since she, a Muslim and a Jew have created an exhibition about the way they each deal with faith in their work. Art can be many things but for me it is always about truth. Even a lie can be undeniable and true when it is present in Art. I know it must be a facinating show.
They are playing Ali Farke Toure on NPR....hmmmm. Every time I hear him it takes me back to the spring twelve years ago when I heard him perform in a club in Paris. It was a different era.
It't time to be present, though... time to look up Easy Jet. This must be divine retribution for all the times I have been late and not taken the time to call.
so, did oh, ireeeeeeennnneee every show up?
i can already see myself going
oh, aiiiiiimmmmmmmeeeeeee come late April....
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