
to leave but I really wanted to check out Albi while the light was good. I roamed the streets looking for the Lautrec Museum and entrance times for the cathedrals, restaurants, a boulangerie, shopping for Harry, etc. The problem is that EVERTHING IN THIS PLACE IS CLOSED with the exception of a few restaurants. The difference between Albi and Lourdes is unbelievable. Lourdes was crackling with activity. Albi is asleep in comparison!
After heading back to the hotel I wound up watching Law and Order in French. It was very depressing... since I couldn't understand more than every 5th word! How could that be? I poured some wine and my mobile rang. It was Harry calling to tell me that someone tried to break into our studio on Hull St. What a drag. My sweet husband will have to go there tomorrow to check it out. I feel so bad about this but there is nothing I can do about it.
Now I really need a drink.

Labels: art and inspiration, French, journey, painting
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