A lulu of a weekend
It finally came to pass. All of the Brooksians within earshot and bandwidth of my beloved and his friends gathered here to celebrate the life and work of Louise Brooks. Its not something I have been looking forward to except that it would be over and we would have some normalty in our life for awhile. It proved to be much more inspiring than I anticipated which doesn't surprise me since that's why I married the leader of the lulus. (I wasn't aware of this title at the time!)
My favrorite aspect of the event was meeting people he has been corresponding with FOR YEARS regarding their love of all things Louise Brooks. I expected super flakes or super eccentrics... like a theatre full of Trekkies wearing Brooksie Bobs!
It wasn't like that. Not at all! Art - like sports and jocks - proves to be common ground among charming eccentrics.
I am less of a charmer (I leave that to my spouse) but I do love meeting curious, passionate people and we were inundated with those. A dark theatre also proved to be the best way to escape a heat index of 100 degrees of more!
My favrorite aspect of the event was meeting people he has been corresponding with FOR YEARS regarding their love of all things Louise Brooks. I expected super flakes or super eccentrics... like a theatre full of Trekkies wearing Brooksie Bobs!
It wasn't like that. Not at all! Art - like sports and jocks - proves to be common ground among charming eccentrics.
I am less of a charmer (I leave that to my spouse) but I do love meeting curious, passionate people and we were inundated with those. A dark theatre also proved to be the best way to escape a heat index of 100 degrees of more!
Sekali waktu Mbak Ninin bilang pengen makan sosis. Terus gw tanya apa Mbak Ninin sosis yang satu ini sambil gue keluarin kontol gw. Mbak Ninin ketawa sambil bilang kalo dia suka sosis gw. Mbak genggem dan kocok kontol gw. Terus Mbak lap kontol gw pake tisu yang dibasahin aer terus mulai Mbak ciumin kontol gw. Terus Mbak Ninin mulai jilat dan masukin kontol gw ke mulutnya. Diemut diisep dikocok.. disepong nikmat lah.
Terus aku bilang kalo aku suka serabinya Mbak Ninin. Mbak ketawa dan waktu aku minta buka celananya, Mbak Ninin buka celana semuanya. Mulai gw esek2 itilnya dan Mbak Ninin mulai mendesah. Nah, gw rasa usah saatnya. Mbak Ninin gw suruh baring dan gw duduk diantara paha Mbak Ninin yang ngangkang sambil esek2 itil Mbak Ninin. Mbak Ninin mendesah dan mendesis. Dan terusnya gw gesek2 itil Mbak Ninin pake kontol. Mbak Ninin merintih-rintih, mengerang-erang keenakan. Akhirnya gw tindihin Mbak Ninin dan aku bisik ditelinga Mbak Ninin, ‘Mbak, aku mau nikmatin serabi jepit Mbak, ya. Mbak nikmatin sosisku, ya’ Mbak Cuma ngangguk pelan sambil merintih. Ya udah gw masukin kontol gw ke dalem memek Mbak Ninin. Blesss. Masuk semua batang kontol ge ke dalem memek Mbak Ninin..
Mbak Ninin mengerang dan goyang muter pantanya, ngimbangin genjotan kontol gw dalam memeknya. Gak lama Mbak meluk gw erat sambil goyang cepet dan liar. Mbak menngerang dan mengejang dan terasa kontol gw di lumasi cairan anget dalam memek Mbak Ninin. Gw maki cepet mompa dan genjot Mbak Ninin, dan gak lama gw ngecret.
Gw ngecret banyak dalam Mbak Ninin. Kontol gw nyemprot dalam memek Mbak. Nikmat banget. Selesai itu gw masih terus ngentotin Mbak Ninin. Aku bisik lagi, ‘Mbak, aku masih pengen ngentotin Mbak, ya..’ Mbak yang suka manjain gw ngangguk dan gw terusin deh genjot Mbak Ninin. Ada sekitar ½ jam gw ngegenjot Mbak. Dan akhirnya kita keluar barengan. Gw duluan ngecret dan Mbak Ninin juga keluar..
Nikmat banget. ‘Mbak, serabinya enak banget’ bisikku di telinga Mbak Ninin. Mbak Ninin jawab,'lontong sosis kamu juga enak..' sambil senyum manis..
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