a now a moment for a word from our sponsor
Most everyone was dressed in winter garb and several asked Harry "Who are you supposed to be?" He always wears his seersucker for Easter, regardless of the weather and the undying tradition people have of never wearing linen or seersucker before Memorial Day. The birds like it. I like it. The rest of the world, with few exceptions, looked like they were going camping. I told my husband he should have answered "Oh, I'm supposed to be Harry Kollatz, Jr."
It was a splendid afternoon. The only thing that could have made it better would have been the presence of my mother, who has used up her time card for Virginia this season... and the presence of our beloved friends the Cusacks who were transferred to Massachusettes more than a year ago... where everyone must wear goose down until the summer thaw.
We miss them. Liz, I smoked a cuban cigarillo in your honor this afternoon!
..and the presence of a certain other couple, of course. no evening is quite as it should be sans the toff-d's..:)
harry looks quite dapper and fetching as harry kollatz, jr, btw..:)
I agree! We had this Easter tradition, you see. Like mf, but diff.
The researchers call the spiritually wired brain part "The God Part". I have faulty wiring.
You seem to be in working order to me! Isn't there research somewhere that confirms that an aesthetic experience is healing?
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