Miro and Flannery

Last night we returned from a day at the Beach. We would have stayed longer but it is high season and this makes everything more expensive and crowded. Another great concern was our two felines awaiting our return.
Miro (our 11 year old Siamese) and Flannery (our 24 week old fluffy Calico) are not the best of friends. Anyone who has lived with a Siamese knows they do not like to be reminded that they are not human. We've tried to bring other cats into our home over the years and she fights them.
Flannery is female. She is very sweet. Whenever she sees Miro she has learned to growl since Miro has whipped her furry butt a few times already.
We separate them as much as possible...its like office politics. We try to remain neutral. Last night we had been away and Miro wanted to be where Flannery has spent the day so we let her onto the screened in porch. We took Flannery into our bedroom where we could monitor her destructive tendencies. (She is a feline cyclone.) When she got out of hand we put her under the covers in a bubble and pet her. Miro came in, suspecting there was an intruder on her turf. She stalked the entire room sniffing every surface. Meanwhile we can hear Flannery purring under the covers several feet away. Miro finally jumped on the bed and watched the cover move slightly and listened to the purr...for a moment. She then turned into the monster Siamese she can be and attacked the wee lumped in the sheets. Flannery now knows when to hiss even though she can't see Miro! She lay in her bubble purring and hissing simultanrously and I wondered what an animal shrink would say. (There were books by animal shrinks at A.R.E. in V.B.)
Does anyone out there have any hints regarding kitty politics? Kitty discipline only goes so far....
I'd say it sounds like Miro and Flannery have you trained just fine, so I have nothing to add about discipline, etc.
Dear FW...You and the Mr. are blessed to have the Foilkids. One day when we are all 10 years older I hope I'll be reading about your adventures raising an adolescent ...and all of the comments regarding who is disciplining who! That is something to look forward to. Will they be bloggers, too?
We took Flannery to our pool with us the other night so she could track down any water bugs and destroy them She took to the car much like Toonses the driving cat on the old SNL... but I don't think we could afford to insure her. If she had marketable skills and employment possibilities we might consider it...
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