The riddle of time

I left Paris on December 29, 2004. Lights and Christmas decor were hanging all over the city with the merry go round and ice skating rink in front of Hotel de Ville being the highpoints.
I arrived on January 9 and its like I never left. A Christmas tree is in the lobby of the Cite and
all the lights are up in town. The Merry Go Round is running and everyone is excited about the post holiday sales. (THIS IS DIFFERENT!) Sales on France are regulated by the goverment and they all start on the same day in January!
I've been here three nights and already met a number of people...don't know if there are
any potiential pals yet. Too soon to know if any of them are as fun seeking and art-making
maniacs as my Tasmanian friends Sally and Tara or the Sydney artist Eugenia R.
I wonder if Tara is still working on the Ice Hotel or if she is back in Paris?
Would love to know more about that adventure.
In the meantime I still have jet lag to get over and keys to locate. Day two
ended with a wonderful vernissage at the Cite galleries. Champayne, good art
and converstation filled the evening...until I ran to BHV afterwards for a few
materials. I arrived back at the atelier and couldn't find my KEYS! I remember
Sally lost her set and I couldn't believe such a thing was possible. It is possible.
They are MIA. Crossing my fingers they will show up in the Lost and Found at
I did see some good work at the Cite Vernissage. There was a group exhibition of
young artists from Brittany and an installation by an Australian artist names Irene
Barberis. It was a good opening reception to begin my residency with.
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