Sea Horses invade the James!

swimming at 1708 Gallery in Richmond, Virginia.
Not. But wouldn't it be cool if they did? They probably need salt water but then there's a cup full that have been doing their thing at 1708 for the past month or so. Ted Victoria's amazing installation there still baffles me. It is rare for me to experience a body of work that I can't deconstruct technically and aesthetically if I care to. Ted's work is facinating. Iconic in form,
they are somewhat like those moving paintings the characters experience in a Harry Potter film but they aren't at all like that. His structured assemblages and projects rely on the use found signals, sounds and light (and I only KNOW this since he walked my through a piece... I still don't understand exactly HOW they work...) in a cohesive, poetic and concise manner.
It so refreshing and inspiring to see someone who uses technology in a way that both embraces its poetry and potiential. Wow. I could have looked at this work for months and months since many of the images change or vary constantly.
Alyssa Saloman's installation was a perfect match for Ted's. This work was beautiful and unsettling and a bit like that feeling I get when looking at blue skies while knowing that there are dark, dangerous clouds on the horizon. Very timely.
If you can't deconstruct the works, nobody else could either.
The best of conceptual art.
It's been too long. I need a fine art fix.
Hi, eye.
I am in a remote part of France for the rest of the month.
Internet costs euros per minute here and well, we all know that the exchange rate isn't what it used to be!
There isn't a lot of art to look at here but there is a ton of inspiration. The village I am living is is 17th C and there are many pilgrims wandering through enroute to St. Jacques in Spain. If I get a chance to visit the Prado while here I will definitly want to write about what I see there. Madrid also has some very good contemporary galleries but August is not a good time to visit galleries most anywhere. Even gallerists need to get away. I am thankful the museums are open and hope that my time here will be the backdrop of some good art. Time will tell!
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