Table for Eight

My approach celebrates cafe society and the contributions that Virginia Artists and Writers make to our culture. Its a continuing dialogue since life is short and art is long. The words and images of the artists depicted in the mock up to the right transcend their lifetime and offer us greater insight into what it is to be human.
I would love to complete this commission and if given the chance will create work that will transcend my time, work that will transcend the life of the coffee shop, art that will become a part of the university's history and future dialogue.
Labels: great conversations, tearoom, Virginia, writing
yo, jawohl..
good luck with this..
They liked my presentation and I think they'll like the art...but as I said before... who knows? If I don't get this commission maybe I should just do other people's presentations?
I'm a coffeeshop type of guy. I'd would love thay exhibit.
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